Friday, March 4, 2011

Uncle Doty

The day dawned cold and dark - a thick layer of winter's precipitate covering the landscape. A north wind chiseled mystery figures along the high banks that lined the road.

The sun was still sleeping as the work day started and progressed with agonizing similarity - the incessant arrival of digital packets the only suggestion of human presence beyond the makeshift office. Two surly felines prowled the perimeters ominously eyeing each other for some hint of weakness.

Darkness descended and preparations for the next day begun. The brief case opened to store the days production.

Suddenly luminous among the burnt rubble of client notes and in-progress performance plans gleamed a small bottle of elixir - its contents beckoning seductively. A proud liquid that listed the pedigree of its birth on the label. Encased in the finest glass and protected from the exterior elements by a stout and secure seal - it whispered its exotic call. Glasses were secured and the amber liquid splashed out.

A rush of tropical breezes emanated - the magic of cinnamon fields entertained by the endless dance of shimmering tropical waves mixed with the pitched squeals of laughter as small children ran along the orchard begging for fruit high above the branches. A grandmothers love as fresh baked pies cooled in the shade of an open window. The nose reminiscing and revealing at the same time.

The first tentative sip confirming the anticipation of the brain. Uncle Doty does in fact make a wonderful Apple Toddy.